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Create consistency and gain confidence in your finances

Our tailored approach enables those living on a variable income to achieve financial stability, set and accomplish goals, and prepare for success now and in the future.

Overcome the challenges of living on a variable income

Living on a variable income (or inconsistent income) can be difficult. Not knowing how much money you’ll bring in from week to week or month to month makes planning for the future challenging. You may have asked yourself questions like:
  • How much is safe to spend this month?
  • I know I should probably be saving, but how much?
  • I don’t even want to think about saving for retirement, what if I need that money now?
  • How much will I owe in taxes?
  • How can I maintain a balanced lifestyle when it feels like I’m living in either feast or famine?
MWA Profile Pic

I totally get it! I wrestled with these same questions as a new sales rep and got it wrong! That experience inspired me to get a degree in finance and become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) so I could help others avoid the mistakes I made. My tailored approach to smart money management helps answer these questions and helps you create consistency and confidence in your financial future. 

What we cover

+ Goal setting

We guide you through setting and achieving goals while on a variable income and help you develop an actionable plan to achieve success. 

+ Budgeting & saving

Knowing what to do on low income weeks or months is key. Our winning strategy to create consistency will give you the confidence to follow your budget and build up your savings.

+ Taxes

In most cases a door-to-door sales rep, is considered a contractor, self-employed, or a 1099 employee. These distinctions have specific tax ramifications and matter when you file taxes. We help you understand your options as well as prepare and budget for taxes. 

+ Retirement

As a 1099 employee you may not have access to a company-sponsored retirement plan (like a 401k). We help you understand your options when it comes to saving for retirement and identifying the best places to open an account. 

+ Balanced lifestyle

On high-income months you may feel like a king or queen, but low-income months may have you feeling more like a pauper. Understand how to avoid the common pitfalls of living on a variable income. 

"Since working with Jimmy I feel more confident surrounding my finances. He has helped me create a budget that works for my lifestyle as well as helped me create long term saving goals. I've put these into action immediately and already see a difference!"
Mia Collins

Plans and pricing

Each financial coaching sessions is 60 minutes long and guided by Certified Financial Planner®, Jimmy Murphy.

Financial Action Plan



What you get:

- One 1 hour coaching session with Jimmy Murphy, CFP®

- The Money Warrior Workbook with a suite of tools and calculators (budgeting, savings, debt, investing calculators)

- A Detailed Financial Action Plan mapping out your goals and clear next steps and actions to take

In this coaching session we will:
  • Review your current financial situation and goals
  • Make a clear plan for how much to spend/save on a weekly and monthly basis
  • Identify a target emergency fund amount and where to keep the funds
  • Create a balanced approach to your personal savings, debt and investing goals
  • Run a retirement analysis and identify next steps for to get on track

  • Provide a summary of the key takeaways, main goals to focus on, and next steps to take

Transform your Finances



3 Financial Coaching Sessions
If you live on a variable income and struggle creating and sticking to a monthly budget, saving for the future, or have questions about taxes—this series of coaching sessions is for you!
In these coaching sessions we will:
  • Review your current financial situation and goals
  • Address challenges associated with living on a variable income
  • Cover your different options when filing taxes
  • Create consistency with a customized budget suited to your needs and goals
  • Share methods and strategies for sticking to your budget and organizing your finances
  • Map out a personalized action plan to balance your savings, debt, retirement, and investing goals
  • Give access to the Money Warrior Financial Workbook (a collection of financial calculators, budgeting tool, and goal organizer)
  • Provide 3 months of email support for additional questions plus scheduled checkpoints to encourage accountability and progress

Not sure where to start?

Schedule a free, 20-min consultation to clarify your financial goals, identify your current challenges, and learn about our unique approach to helping you achieve your goals and feel confident in your finances.